Hosted by Bruce Clay, Founder of BCI
April 26, 2023 | Duration: 1:15
SEO pioneer Bruce Clay hosted a free live Q&A to answer questions and share his expert SEO advice.
0:00 – Introduction
4:06 – What’s the latest on Google’s and Bing’s Disavow tool. Should I use them?
8:07 – What is the biggest impact you’ve seen since the March Google Core Algorithm update?
15:50 – Do you have any thoughts about Google removing page speed, mobile usability, etc. from the Google ranking system page? Is speed still worth focusing on as an SEO?
19:48 – What are the recommended ways to rank for “near me” searches for local SEO?
24:21 – What advice could you give to someone trying to break into the SEO industry? Should I look at getting an Internship?
29:53 – Visit us at for expert SEO services or call (866) 517-1900
37:48 – Please discuss your thoughts on generative AI, its impact on SEO, best use cases and things to avoid.
50:08 – What major topics do you review in your Technical Audit?
54:58 – Do you offer PPC ad management training?
56:00 – What is the best way to convince leadership that SEO strategies should be integrated into overall marketing planning?
57:22 – As a small team, what should the #1 focus area be in our SEO strategy for a multi-location business?
1:01:10 – Do you have any best practices for archiving old, thin, obsolete, no-value content?
1:06:52 – Any advice on SEO for the health care industry with the HIPAA restrictions related to pixel tracking?
1:09:05 – Is it OK to use AI to write simple things like Page Titles and Meta Descriptions with character counts, even if the articles themselves are human?
1:10:06 – I’m recently seeing #:~:text= links in search results. These links that show the page with highlighted text,are always in the “People Also Ask” section, but I’m starting to see them in search results (not in a Google feature). Is this something new and is there a way to optimize pages to garner more of these kinds of links?
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